Vowel and Consonant Suffixes 6.1 part 1

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by Schwa Sense

Price: 325 points or $3.25 USD

Subjects: reading,foundationalSkills,fluency,phonics,phonologicalAwareness,elaLanguageSpelling,readingSkills

Grades: 3,4,5,6,7

Description: Suffix endings unchanging base words: -able, -en, -est, -ish, -or, -y, -ful, -less, -ly, -ment, -ty, -ing, -ed. 1, 2 and 3 syllable base words + suffix It may sound like no big deal, but these suffixes for students with phonetically-based reading issues can be tricky for both reading and spelling.. Repetition review and re-teaching is critical for so many to learn to work with word structure. This deck encourages both reading and spelling. The more a student sees a word spelled the correct way, the quicker they will be able to recognize when a word looks wrong. Helpful tips: -It is important to read word without suffix first and then read the whole word. -Encourage oral spelling of each word. -After student completes deck, write each word on index card or post-it and underline the baseword, circle the suffix. -Reinforce word structure by encouraging students to internalize patterns. Combining open, v-e and closed syllables with suffixes. Aligns with sub step 6.1 of a VERY POPULAR, well-known and amazing explicit research based reading program.