Core Word In In Wheelbarrow Spring and Garden for Speech Therapy

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by KIDD Speech

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: These 15 task cards target the core word/spatial concept IN dragging a spring/garden themed item into a wheelbarrow. Each card has a visual direction and a sentence strip that can be used to target expanding length of utterance. Card 1 is a title. Cards 2 and 3 are directions. Cards 4-14 are scenes. Each card has an item to be placed in the wheelbarrow. After putting the item in the wheelbarrow, click the wheelbarrow for a reinforcing sound. Card 15 is an interactive closing with moveable pieces. ***Please note that this BOOM deck does not have audio directions/text and is not designed for students to use independently. It is designed to be used with a therapist either in person or over a digital platform.***