Spanish Body Parts Bundle: Recognition, Listening, Writing

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by World Language Cafe

Price: 1000 points or $10 USD

Subjects: nativelanguage,nativeSpanish,language,instructionalSpanish,nativeSounds

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Students will master 35 Spanish body parts and how to talk about what hurts. Includes 8 decks for recognition, listening, and writing along with native speaker sound files. Set 1 (Easy or Advanced Version): Students listen to a body part and select the correct photo. Set 2 (Easy or Advanced): Students listen to 4 body parts and select the one that matches the photo. Set 3 (Easy or Advanced): Students listen to a native speaker saying something hurts. Then they write a sentence for the doctor to indicate what hurts: Ex. Le duele la cabeza. Set 4: Students look at a body part photo and write the part. Set 5: Students look at a body part and write what hurts. Ex. Me duele la mano. Vocabulary: cabeza, ojos, boca, nariz, mejilla, frente, labios, dientes, lengua, barbilla, oreja, cuello, hombro, pecho, espalda, brazo, codo, muñeca, mano, dedo, estómago, ombligo, nalgas, piernas, rodilla, tobillo, pies, dedos del pie, uñas, cuerpo, me duele, me duelen, le duele, le duelen. If there is another word that you would like to see included or if you have other suggestions, email me at: