Easter Math Bundle

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by Dynamic Learning

Price: 2110 points or $21.1 USD

Subjects: math,mathElementary,countingAndCardinality,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction,counting,cardinality,elementaryFractions,fractionsAndNumbers

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: Just added a cute deck on addition to 10 so now this bundle includes 9 decks These adorable and engaging Easter Counting and Skip Counting cards are great for distance learning or for fun math centers! Your students will love dragging the Easter eggs to the baskets while counting by tens and dragging the correct numbers to the Easter eggs while counting by fives. There is also a Counting Bundle that includes a deck of counting to 10 and one for counting up to 20 and and Easter Fractions of Groups. Then there is a color by code counting money deck where students will color the chick. These 6 decks will definitely keep your students engaged and help those wiggles right before or after Spring Break.