Do You Like It? Bundle

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by The Speech Meadow

Price: 900 points or $9 USD

Subjects: speech


Description: Hello! Welcome to "Do You Like It? Bundles." GET OVER 20 OFF with this bundle. These Boom cards are designed to work on various goals in individual therapy or groups. Teach students how to talk about preferences and respond to others' preferences. Potential targets include, 1. Asking and talking about a child's and other people's food preferences. 2. Getting an inventory of food that a child prefers to eat. 3. Expanding MLU by using phrases such as "I like ____." or "I don't like ____." You can also use it when working on words with AAC. There are 40 different cards, and each game will be ten cards randomly chosen. Children look at the picture and decide if they like it, if they dislike it, or if they don't know. The child then moves the emoji to the box. After that, you can talk about their answer. For example, "Oh, you like pancakes. I have never eaten a pancake." Then you adjust your responses based on their answer. If in a group, you can moderate people's responses to work on social language skills. It should be noted that while this deck can be used in individual therapy, this activity is meant to create discussions. This is not an activity children can do in isolation. Thanks for viewing. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me, Collette from The Speech Meadow