Social Situations Problem Solving Scenarios BUNDLE

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 1050 points or $10.5 USD

Subjects: speech,pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Use these REAL-LIFE SOCIAL SCENARIOS to help you incorporate MULTIPLE PRAGMATIC LANGUAGE SKILLS into your speech therapy sessions! Just like everyday situations, these 2 decks combine several aspects of SOCIAL PROBLEM SOLVING (such as inferencing, nonverbal communication, and predicting) into one cohesive activity. Your students will connect with the 60 social situations (30 per deck). Each one includes... ✅ A REAL PHOTO of a person or people experiencing something in their home, job, community, or school ✅ A SHORT DESCRIPTION of what's occurring ✅ 1-3 WH- QUESTIONS (will fillable text boxes) to break apart the situation by... -Making an INFERENCE about what's happening in the situation -Identify any PROBLEMS that are occurring -Determining how the people in the situation may be FEELING -Forming PREDICTIONS about what might happen and/or determining RESPONSES The included full-card VISUAL can be used to... ✅ Briefly TEACH students about each of the above aspects of social problem-solving before starting the practice pages. ✅ REVIEW and use in future practice or extension activities. This bundle gives you plenty of practice opportunities for MULTIPLE SESSIONS. The cohesive & discussion-prompting activity makes it easy to work on FUNCTIONAL, RELEVANT scenarios with social skills groups or individual students, while still providing a STRUCTURED breakdown of each one.