Articulation CV and VC words | ABLLS E8 Vocal Imitation

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by ABA in School

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: ela,specialed,specialAba,communicationSkills,developmentalSkills,readingSkills,Special Autism,lifeSkills

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: ♥Looking for vocal imitation, repeat sounds (echoics) to help articulation skills for your ABA, special education, or young student? Great for speech therapy and working with students with apraxia. ⭐There are three decks: repeating consonant-vowel, vowel-consonant, and a combined deck of both CV / VC sounds. Cute pictures with limited distractions, good for autism, SpEd, and early childhood education students. ⚠️Includes data collection page that can be printed and used for paper-and-pencil data if you don't want to utilize the Boom digital data. ✅CV: boo, pie, k, ma, d, hoo, knee, hi, zoo, j, bee, poo, c, ho, ha, p, go, two, sew, da, z, whoa, key, no, moo, t, dough ✅VC: f, up, ace, um, ape, l, on, ed, s, eat, ick, x, in, aim, ear, n, off, add, m, ill, oar, ice, oak (also "us" in individual deck) IEP Goal: When given a verbal model of consonant-vowel or consonant-vowel combinations, STUDENT will repeat the sound combination improving verbal imitation from BASELINE to repeating at least 3 CV AND 3 VC sound combinations without breaks between the sounds in 4 out of 5 opportunities on three data days as measured by staff observation, daily tasks, and data records.