Social Scenarios Speech Therapy Conversation Skills Turn-Tak

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 1050 points or $10.5 USD

Subjects: speech,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 4,5,6,7

Description: This BOOM CARDS™ BUNDLE gives your students tons of practice with functional communication in various setting. The activities target the social language and life skill of continuing conversations with others. The REAL photos, RELATABLE situations, and VISUALS provide engagement and support to speech therapy students of multiple levels. The digital activities present real-life scenarios and conversations in various environments that help students determine how to respond to others using words, phrases, or short sentences such as "Thank you", "Ok", and "Yes please". With this money-saving bundle, you can work on functional communication with... Teachers and classmates at school People in the community (librarian, delivery truck driver, etc.) Friends and family members at home and other places A total of 105 cards are included, and on each one you'll find: ✅ A PHOTOGRAPH of a person in a home, school, or community environment ✅ A short EXPLANATION of the scenario and what the person in the photo is saying ✅ 4 choices of RESPONSES, each with text and a symbolic image (for students that benefit from the reading support) These versatile Boom Card decks make an appropriate social language activity for many different ages and skill levels. The first card of each deck provides 4 ways that you can modify the activity to meet the needs of your students: