Sentence Structures

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by The Quizzing Booth

Price: 700 points or $7 USD

Subjects: ela,elaLanguage,conventionsOfStandardEnglish,elaLanguageGrammar

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: This bundle is composed of 7 decks. 1) Simple Sentences - Simple and Compound Subject and Predicate Student will identify whether the subject of the given simple sentence is simple or compound and whether the predicate is simple or compound. 2) Compound Sentences Student will choose the other half of the compound sentence or the correct coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) for the given compound sentence. 3) Complex Sentences Student will choose the other half of the complex sentence or choose the correct subordinating conjunction for the given complex sentence. 4) Compound=Complex Sentence Student will identify the 2 independent clauses and the dependent clause that make up the compound-complex sentence. 5) Simple and Compound Sentences Student will identify whether the structure of the given sentence is simple or compound. If it is a simple sentence, they will need to identify whether the subject and predicate are simple or compound. If it is a compound sentence, they will need to type/key in the coordinating conjunction used to separate the independent clauses. 6) Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentence Structures Student will identify whether the given sentence structure is simple, compound, or complex, or choose the other half of the sentence that will make it simple, compound, or complex. 7) Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences Student will ident whether the sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex in structure.