Expanding Utterances: What Do You See? Bedroom, Kitchen & Living Room

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by SpeechRUS

Price: 630 points or $6.3 USD

Subjects: ela,reading,writing,speakingListening,speech,specialed,communicationSkills,readingSkills,developmentalSkills,Special Autism,earlyIntervention,expressiveLanguage,pragmatics,receptiveLanguage,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This interactive no-prep bundle contains a variety of bedroom, kitchen & living room items to help students build a variety of expressive and receptive language skills. Students are able to answer "WH questions, label bedroom items, practice the core word SEE & increase MLU. The bundle contains the following: - 12 different bedroom items (e.g. bed, dresser, alarm clock, lamp, nightstand, pillow, rug, mirror, closet, shirt, shoes, pants) - 13 different kitchen items (e.g. refrigerator, oven, microwave, toaster, blender, mixer, sink, chair, trash can, table, pot, pan, dishwasher) - 10 different living room items (e.g. (e.g. couch, mirror, coffee table, clock, armchair, television, lamp, rug, fireplace, bookshelf) The following IEP goals can be targeted during this activity: - WH Questions - Cord Word SEE - Where does it belong? - room categories - Labeling household items