Price: 2600 points or $26 USD
Subjects: holiday,englishSecondLanguage,cultureAndSociety
Grades: 3,4,5,6,7,8
Description: This bundle contains 17 decks that help students learn vocabulary about American holidays. Every deck includes 20 words for a total of 340 words. There is 1 deck for Christmas & Hanukkah, with 10 words for each holiday (20 words total). The Columbus Day deck also includes a reading passage with comprehension questions for context. For each deck, students read a definition and then click on or type the word that matches the definition. The first card in the deck states the instructions and also includes a word bank with all the words. Students read the text and they can also click on the audio symbol to hear the directions and words in the word bank, plus all the definitions, read aloud. Every deck has cards with 4 types of multiple choice and fill in the blank responses, with 5 cards in each set: a) Cards 2 - 6: Multiple choice with 4 possible answers b) Cards 7 - 11: Multiple choice with 2 possible answers c) Cards 12 - 16: Fill in the blank with the correct word; these cards also provide a picture as a clue d) Cards 17 - 21: Multiple choice with 3 possible answers These decks are aimed at English Language Learners and other students may also find them helpful. Most decks are aimed at students in Grades 5 - 8, with a few decks aimed at Grades 4 - 8 and the Halloween deck aimed at Grades 3 - 8.