by Linda Post - The Teacher's Post
Price: 597 points or $5.97 USD
Subjects: math,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction
Description: Teach students a variety of strategies as they learn to subtract 2-digit numbers. These Boom Card decks are interactive as students drag base ten blocks, use a hundreds chart, use number lines, drag regrouping marks, and demonstrate how to use the algorithm correctly. ❤️ ❤️ NOTE: There are VIDEO PREVIEWS for EACH Deck in the individual product listings. ❤️ 6 Interactive decks are included: ✅ 1) Subtracting 2- Digit Numbers Minus Single Digit Numbers Using the Number Line Strategy ✅ 2) Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers Using the Hundreds Chart Strategy ✅ 3) Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping Using Base Ten Blocks Strategy ✅ 4) Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers With Regrouping Using Base Ten Blocks Strategy ✅ 5) Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers With & Without Regrouping Using the Algorithm Strategy ✅ 6) Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers With & Without Regrouping Using Base Ten Blocks and the Algorithm Strategy COMMON CORE STANDARD 2.NBT.B.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.