Shark Path Bundle - Word Problems & Number Bonds

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by CBE Piggy

Price: 2000 points or $20 USD

Subjects: math,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction

Grades: 13,1

Description: The Shark Path reinforces the relationship between addition and subtraction through simple word problems and number bonds. All decks contain audio directions and prompts on each card. Decks are sequenced to provide students with increasing difficulty. Sharks 1 and 3 reads simple addition (1) and subtraction (3) word problems. Students must represent the problem with counters and provide the sum or difference. Sharks 2 and 4 reads simple addition (2) and subtraction (4) problems and students must place the numbers correctly in the equation. Counters are available for students to use. Sharks 5 & 6 reads a mix of addition and subtraction problems. Students must create the equations by placing the numbers and the correct sign. Sharks 7, 8, and 9 are number bonds with the whole missing. Shark 7 has a straight (whole on top) orientation only while Sharks 8 and 9 have rotated number bonds. The whole is a different color than the parts circles. Sharks 10 and 11 are also number bonds, but with missing parts. Symbol reminders are in Shark 10, but not shark 11.