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by Rike Neville

Price: 700 points or $7 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,englishSecondLanguage,eslPronunciation,adultSpeech,articulation,phonology

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Please note that the three decks in this bundle are essentially the SAME. One deck has the audio for the th-term play automatically. One deck has audio for the th-term, but students must click an audio icon if they want to hear it. One deck has NO audio for the th-term. Because these decks are essentially the same, I'm offering this bundle for the same price as ONE of the decks. In other words, if you are interested in at least one of the decks, just get this bundle. It's the same price. :) Come by my store! I've got oodles of decks for adult ESL.