AAC & TD Snap Training Companion: Health Decks 1 & 2

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by Atypical Living

Price: 700 points or $7 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,adultSpeech,expressiveLanguage,communicationModalities,modalitiesAAC,lifeSkills,Special Autism,specialAdults,communicationSkills

Grades: 0

Description: All the health conditions wouldn't fit on one deck (100 max limit) so sets 1 and 2 are on Deck 1 and set 3 is on Deck 2. Help your student/client familiarize themselves with their AAC device (specifically made to match the *TD Snap AAC app from *Tobii Dynavox.) Did you know that you can download the lite version for free? The lite version is the same as the paid version, except it does not have the voice output. This product is specifically designed for the *TD Snap app, but can be used with any AAC device or for anyone working on language skills. The 34 different scenes- 106 slides total are separated into sets. 3 sets for varying levels: Set 1: Health Conditions Vocabulary from page 1 of TD Snap Health Conditions page. 1st slide: not labelled. 2nd slide: labelled. Set 2: Health Conditions Vocabulary from page 2 of TD Snap Health Conditions page. 1st slide: not labelled. 2nd slide: labelled. Set 3: A mix Health Conditions Vocabulary from page 1 and 2. None are labelled. Possible Goals to Target (all can be with or without the use of an AAC device) -Answer yes/no questions- "Does he look sick?" -Identify/label health conditions and body parts- "He has a rash on his nose." -Describe health conditions- "A rash can be red and make you itchy." -Tell of a past event- "I hurt my leg once. I had to go to the doctor." -Problem solve "What should we do if we have a fever?"