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by Peggy @ Primary Flourish

Price: 1600 points or $16 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 1,2,3

Description: Addition Fluency 2.OA.2 MENTAL MATH STRATEGIES BUNDLE Each deck contains 24 cards that give your students practice adding within 20 using 10 mental math strategies to increase their addition fluency. The cards are in a fun detective theme with 4 different game-like formats: word problems, fill in the blank, true or false, and movable pieces. The cards are self-checking, so students get immediate feedback. Students love BOOM cards and so will you! You can assign task cards for DISTANCE LEARNING and you will be able to see how each student is doing! This bundle contains 10 decks of 24 slides each: SET 1 Plus Zero SET 2 Count Up + 1 SET 3 Count Up + 2 SET 4 Count Up + 3 SET 5 Doubles SET 6 Doubles + 1  SET 7 Tens Partners SET 8 Flip/Flop (commutative property) SET 9 Plus Ten SET 10 Plus Nine