OVERTURE | Elements & Concepts Bundle 2

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by PianoFonics

Price: 1850 points or $18.5 USD

Subjects: art

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9,10

Description: Six Decks - Major TetraChord Construction [Elements for Major Scale Construction] - Major and Minor Thirds Construction [Elements for Major or Minor Triad Construction] - TetraChords and Thirds Construction Reference Chart included with the Bundle There are two decks for each TetraChord group - TetraChords with Flats - TetraChords with Sharps Major TetraChord Construction presented in two formats -Keyboard Placement - DRAG 'n DROP letters to the keyboard --Instructional Cards on how to create Major Thirds and Minor Thirds - Staff Notation - Notate on a Treble Clef or a Bass Clef - Instructional Cards on how to create TetraChords on the Keyboard and on the Staff Major and Minor Thirds Construction contains both formats in one deck - Spell and Notate - Instructional Cards on how to create Major and Minor Thirds on the Staff