Handling Bullying Bundle for Teens

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by Allison DePalma, MA, BCBA

Price: 880 points or $8.8 USD

Subjects: specialed,specialAba,Special Autism,lifeSkills,sel,selfAwareness,socialAwareness,relationshipSkills,responsibleDecisionMaking,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills

Grades: 8,9,10,11,12

Description: The following bundle contains curriculum from the PEERS workbook. Individuals will learn how to... - Identify the different types of direct bullying (verbal and physical) - Identify the different types of indirect bullying (cyberbullying and gossiping) - Navigate the various types of bullying through a novel approach - Apply bullying techniques to various scenarios through questions and role-play Cards include open ended and multiple choice questions. Decks are typically 1100 when purchased separately, but is 20% off when bundled together!