Speech Therapy for Stuttering - Fall Activities

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by Of Mouth & Mind- D. Hamburg, SLP

Price: 900 points or $9 USD

Subjects: speech,speechFluency

Grades: 0

Description: During your Fall-themed stuttering therapy, teach and practice fluency-shaping strategies as well as stuttering modification techniques. Easy Onset, Light Contact, Stretching, Rate & Pacing, Pausing & Phrasing, Pull-outs, Cancellations, as well as adequate breath support are addressed throughout these 5 Boom Cards decks. Each stuttering technique includes an engaging activity with either words, phrases, or sentences. Audio models of the techniques and audio instructions are embedded into many of the decks. Bonus Activities are also added following the practice tasks as a fun way to practice the stuttering techniques while describing the scene created, telling a story, or sharing information! *These speech therapy activities are not self-grading but intended for direct stuttering therapy use and carry-over practice. Terms of Use: Enjoy my products as it brings me much joy to develop interactive resources for my colleagues. Please don’t duplicate, copy, or redistribute without purchasing another license