by Creative Curriculum Connections
Price: 2000 points or $20 USD
Subjects: ela,edtech,specialed,holiday
Grades: 8,9,10,11,12
Description: Students are presented with realistic looking shelving/item price tags for which you would see in a store setting.. There are lessons for UPC identification, price identification, identification of items, and MORE! There are different levels for some of the lessons as well! For Reviewing Shelf Price Tags and Identifying An Item's Price Lessons: Students are presented with the price tag, and are asked to identify the price of the item, for which the price tag is for. Students are provided a response array of three to select the accurate response from. For digital versions students are provided an icon to drag and drop onto the accurate response, or the can select with the boom cards. Students can also state or gesture to the accurate response when utilizing task cards! For lessons on Reviewing Shelf/Item Price Tags and Identifying Items Students are presented with an image of an item, and are asked to identify which of the two price tags, are for the item presented. For Reviewing Shelf/Item Price Tags and Identifying UPCStudents are presented with an image of a price tag, and are asked to identify the item UPC. Students are provided an array of three response options, and are asked to identify the matching UPC from the array of 3. Find related resources and more on my TPT store at: