Speech Language Therapy

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by Shine Speech Activities

Price: 1720 points or $17.2 USD

Subjects: speech,ela

Grades: 3,4,5,6,7

Description: This BUNDLE of executive function cards targets expressive language and receptive language, and includes problem solving stories, social skills and pragmatics stories, predicting stories, sequencing stories, and flexible thinking stories. Target social problem solving, predictions, sequences, and more to improve expressive language and receptive language! This bundle includes many wh and how questions, labeling exercises, multiple choice, and drag and drop activities to encourage an in depth understanding of each skill. Expressive Language & Receptive Language Practice: -80 Problem Solving Trials -52 Social Stories -50 Predicting - Featured as Top Premium Boom Cards Deck -50 Sequencing -40 Flexible Thinking - Featured as Top Premium Boom Cards Deck Each deck includes a teaching slide and visual to help your students better understand executive function skills!