Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD
Subjects: holiday,valentinesDay,math,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,multiplicationAndDivision,elementaryFractions,additionAndSubtraction
Grades: 3
Description: This 3rd-grade VALENTINE bundle includes the following 4 sets of math Boom Cards focused on 3rd grade math skills review: ★Set 1- 20 Digital Task Cards to practice calculating the area and perimeter of a polygon. Students must enter the area and perimeter of the 4-sided figure. Picture models are provided as support. 2 sides of the figures are labeled with a measurement. ★Set 2- 24 Digital Task Cards to students practice multiplication and division fluency. Each card contains 1 multiplication and 1 division equation. Students must determine the missing factor for the multiplication equation and the missing quotient for the division equation. Students drag the red hearts to the unknown part of the equation (the black and white hearts). ★Set 3- 24 Digital Task Cards to practice naming fractions on a number line. Each card contains a point on a number line. Students must choose the fraction the point represents. *This set of cards focuses on fractions within 1 whole. Each number line is partitioned into equal parts within one whole (interval 0-1). Named fractions are within the 3rd grade standards- denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, & 8. ★Set 4- 24 Digital Task Cards to practice 3-digit addition with regrouping. Each card contains a 3-digit by 3-digit addition equation. The first card in the deck shows students how to complete each card. ⭐This Bundle includes BOTH the STANDARD and AUDIO versions- all text is read to students with the click of the audio button.