Days of the Week BUNDLE

by Rike Neville

Price: 375 points or $3.75 USD

Subjects: ela,englishSecondLanguage,eslVocab,activitiesOfDailyLiving

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: The days of the week and time expressions like today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, & the day before yesterday are all included in this multiple-choice deck. Audio is provided as an option for students who want to have the top part of each card read to them. Because not everyone will want the audio, it is not set to play automatically. Students must click the icon to hear the audio. The mini-decks in this bundle are essentially THE SAME. One is multiple-choice and the other is fill-in-the-blank. The sentences, answers, and audio are the same. Please be sure you want two versions of basically the same deck before purchasing this bundle. Teach adult ESL? You've hit the jackpot with my store! Browse through the hundreds of decks I've made specifically for adult English learners in Intensive English Programs.