Snowman Roll & Build Articulation Game Bundle

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by SpeechiePeep

Price: 1050 points or $10.5 USD

Subjects: games,holiday,firstDayOfWinter,speech,articulation,fluency,specialed,communicationSkills,ela,speakingListening

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: This bundle includes four snowman roll & build games to target articulation of /r/, /s/, /l/, and /th/. How to Play: This game can be played with up to five players. Students take turn rolling two dice (not included) and add the sum. They then move the corresponding numbered snowman piece onto the blank snowman canvas. The first player to build their snowman wins. How to Use for Speech Therapy: Each number is associated with a speech sound target word. Students can practice saying their words at the word, phrase, simple sentence, sound loaded sentence or oral reading level (all levels included).