Bundle: Treasure Hunt Board Games: Articulation AND Language Skills

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by Pinwheel Speech Products

Price: 600 points or $6 USD

Subjects: games,holiday,firstDayOfSpring,stPatricksDay,articulation,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,speech,phonology

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: This bundle includes 63 Digital Board Games on Boom Learning: 1. Treasure Hunt Articulation Board Games: 48 games to address K, G, F, V, S, Z, SH, CH, TH, L & R in all positions including blends! 2. Treasure Hunt Language Skills Board Games: 15 games to address different language skills including vocabulary, grammar, conversation, and higher level language skills. During this activity, your students will follow the rainbow path to the pot of gold treasure! These board games are designed to be used with speech and language students to practice a variety of speech and language skills. Each board includes special spaces where students might have to move back 2 spaces because they were "stung by a bee" or they might move ahead 2 spaces because they "found a gold coin"! * This game includes moveable game pieces but you will need a die or spinner with numbers (or use an online digital spinner/die). How to Play: Each student takes a turn rolling the die (or spinning the spinner), moving the appropriate number of spaces and completing the task (option 2: complete every task along the way). The first player to reach the end wins the game!