French Sight Words Brain Breaks Boom Cards Bundle | J'apprends en bougeant! Mots fréquents

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by Yvette Rossignol

Price: 2900 points or $29 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 1,2,3

Description: J'apprends en bougeant le corps et le cerveau! Pauses actives et mots fréquents pour 14 sons français! Parfait pour travailler la conscience phonologique pour les mots usuels avec ces 467 BOOM CARDS! Your whole class will chant the French sight words and move to the fun brain breaks as you project these on a white board or use at home during distance learning! Assured success and fun when the brain and the body works together. ALL the resources in this bundle can only be used by the person who purchased them. During distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these can be sent home as long as they are on a PASSWORD PROTECTED platform, where only your students and their parents can access. Pour cette ressource numérique, il vous faut un compte sur le site de Boom Learning. Vous pouvez choisir un abonnement gratuit ou payant. Utilisez un appareil mobile tel que ordinateur, IPAD, TNI, etc. Cliquez ici pour plus d'information. What's a BOOM CARD? "With your Teachers Pay Teachers purchase, users new to Boom Learning get a three-month free trial of student progress reporting for up to 150 students. Your trial includes the ability to make up to 5 free DIY decks. You may upgrade or cancel at any time. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (released in the last three years) on interactive whiteboards, computers and tablets. Boom Cards apps are also available. Not sure if your browser is modern enough? Try a free Boom Cards deck first.