Learn to Inference! Inferencing from pictures 1 & 2

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by Malka Taub SLP

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: In this bundle you receive 40 cards depicting a variety of scenes from every day life to practice inferencing skills. One of the first steps in learning how to make inferences is making inferences from pictures. This provides complete visual support for the early learner and/or reader. In this deck, a picture will be presented alongside 5 inferences. Your student will be required to either listen to or read each statement and decide if it is an appropriate inference based on picture clues. Click the check symbol if it is a logical inference with picture clues to back it up. Click the x symbol if it is not a logical inference and/or there are no clues to support it. Have your student back up each decision with proofs from the picture. While some statements may seem logical, for this section there must be a least some kind of clue in the picture to back up the inference. In such an instance we may say "well its possible.... but there are no clues in the picture to support it!"