DHH / Intermediate Listening Bundle

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by Sandy Robinson

Price: 4700 points or $47 USD

Subjects: speech,hearingAndAudiology,listeningSkills,specialed,communicationSkills

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: Cochlear Implant / DHH Intermediate Listening Bundle There are 17 decks included in this intermediate listening skills bundle, designed to develop listening skills - for anyone, really - but it was specifically designed for cochlear implant aural habilitation. It will be a lot to keep your developing cochlear implant user busy for awhile. Once progressing through this "Intermediate Listening Bundle," they should be ready for the next bundle, "Advanced Listening Bundle." NOTE: There are four bundles for my Cochlear Implant Listening Skills - from very early to advanced. Progressing from easiest to most difficult: 1) Very Early Listening with a Cochlear Implant, 2) Simple Listening with a Cochlear Implant, 3) Intermediate Listening with a Cochlear Implant, 4) Advanced Listening with a Cochlear Implant.