Multiplication and Division Bundle

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by Key Ideas

Price: 800 points or $8 USD

Subjects: games,math,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,multiplicationAndDivision,factorsAndMultiples

Grades: 2,3,4

Description: The Key Idea behind this bundle is that students practice multiplying and dividing by factors 2 through 12. This bundle includes one game for each of the factors for 2-12 for a total of 11 fill in the blank games. All the games are in a "kids at play" theme. Standard addressed in this bundle: CCSS: 3.OA.C.7 This bundle is designed to help students master their basic multiplication and division facts. I created this bundle to use in my own classroom with my own students. I posted all of the games from this bundle in my Google Classroom, and my students simply click on the factor that they are working on that week. My students move on to a new factor when they master their current factor. Easy Peasy!