Personal Safety Bundle

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by Allison DePalma, MA, BCBA

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: specialed,lifeSkills,Special Autism,selfAwareness,socialAwareness,responsibleDecisionMaking,sel

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Includes two personal safety decks. Decks include multiple-choice questions that provide the learner with options for either pictures or written answers. Curriculum covers how strangers are not "good" or "bad", they are simply people we do not know, and therefore, we need to refer to our trusted adults from help (family members, community helpers). Curriculum also covers safety dilemmas, including what to do when lost, how to approach a dog in the community you wish to pet, etc. Desk is best for individuals ages 3 to 8, but can be used for any individual who struggles with community safety. Decks are typically priced at 250 each, but when bundled, are 20% off!