by Target Every Goal Speech Therapy
Price: 1800 points or $18 USD
Subjects: games,holiday,firstDayOfWinter,speech,articulation,fluency,communicationSkills
Grades: 14,13,1,2,3
Description: 4 comprehensive Winter-themed resources to use in speech language therapy with preschool through elementary aged students. Target a wide variety of goals with these engaging units that can be used across your caseload: 1.) Vocabulary Builder and Beyond: Winter (PreK-1)* 10 different activities that creatively target the same 10 thematic Winter themed vocabulary words throughout. 2.) The Mitten Book Companion Unit (PreK-2)* An entire book companion unit for the book "The Mitten," featuring a variety of prereading, during reading, and post reading activities as well as extras. Target goals such as wh questions, expressive grammar, MLU, story elements, retell, describing, and vocabulary. 3.) Write a Mystery Box Story: Winter (1st-5th)* Students are tasked with creating an original story given Winter-themed prompts for the characters, setting, and problem. Model and incorporate skills in the areas of vocabulary, syntax, grammar, articulation, fluency, or narrative structure itself as you guide students in creating and telling their stories. 4.) Any Sound Articulation: Winter (PreK-3) 5 engaging Winter themed games to use as reinforcement in articulation therapy while practicing any sound. Each game is completely open-ended--you provide the stimuli, this deck provides the fun! *Decks 1-3 also include a free Educator Resources deck with detailed Lesson Plans and Extension Ideas!