The Bundle MHS800

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by Make Many Hearts Smile

Price: 39900 points or $399 USD

Subjects: ela,math,mathElementary,games,countingAndCardinality,counting,shapes,holiday,firstDayOfAutumn

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: This educational bundle offers engaging activities to develop letter, shape and color recognition skills. Assign games that kids love to play. What do you get? 150+ Colors games including 3 different levels of difficulty. 100+ Shapes games with more focus on 2D shapes but some games are all about 3D shapes 100+ Single letters games with 4 games for each letter 100+ Counting and numbers games 50+ Mixed letters games with different themes More games for blends and CvC are included Boomâ„¢ is the trademark of Boom Learning. Used with permission Thank you for choosing Make Many Hearts Smile!! Mimi