Alphabet Naming Letters 13-deck BUNDLE

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by ABA in School

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: ela,specialed,reading,readingSkills,communicationSkills,Special Autism,lifeSkills,foundationalSkills,phonics,phonologicalAwareness

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Looking for a simple but cute letters assessment and alphabet activities? A way to learn letters and letter recognition? These upper-case and lower-case letters assessments are perfect for your preschool, special education, or life skills student. Clipart is cute, and each page is not cluttered, making it great for special education, autism, and ABA students. Letters assessments are broken up into sets for easier instruction. ❗ Sets: S A T I P N, C H E K R, M D G O W, L F B Q U, J Z V Y X, all capital letters, s a t i p n, c h e k r, m d g o w, l f b q u, j z v y x, all lower-case letters, and then one deck with all upper- and lower-case letters randomized Data collection is included! Whether you want to print and take paper data or use Boom Data, the choice is yours! See the ABA in School store for other letter groupings. Follow ABA in School on Boom and TpT to keep up-to-date with new and updates resources for early learning, speech therapy, special education, ABA, and data collection.