BUNDLE Seasonal Sounds Listening and Language Activity with Audio

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 1200 points or $12 USD

Subjects: speech,holiday,listeningSkills,hearingAndAudiology,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This is the ultimate bundle to bring SEASONAL THEMED vocabulary into your speech therapy session in order to target language, listening, auditory discrimination, and more! The 4 Boom Card decks use REAL SOUNDS and PHOTOS throughout to engage students. These activities are something totally new and different for your students and completely versatile for their range of goals and ages. There are 4 decks included–fall, winter, spring, and summer. For each season, first teach and review each of the ten environmental sounds. Then students practice discriminating those sounds at 5 differentiated levels. In these decks, you'll find... ✅ REAL SOUNDS on every card ✅ REAL PHOTOS of seasonal objects and activities ✅ TEACHING CARDS so students can learn each of the 10 sounds and pictures ✅ 5 LEVELS of practice (each with 10 cards) including field sizes of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 sounds/pictures The audio and photos throughout the decks utilize familiar vocabulary and concepts. Your students can relate to the pictures and you can use these activities alongside any other themed resources, books, and videos. These decks will go far in targeting a variety of goal areas: ✅ EARLY LANGUAGE imitation ✅ LANGUAGE EXPANSION using photos & functional vocabulary ✅ Specific LANGUAGE GOALS (description, compare/contrast, verbs) ✅ AUDITORY GOALS such as object/sound association & discrimination ✅ Practicing ARTICULATION and FLUENCY during structured conversation ✅ Understanding and using SEASONAL VOCAB