Pragmatic Language Skills at Work Bundle for Students

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by SLP for every IEP

Price: 650 points or $6.5 USD

Subjects: sel,selfAwareness,speech,pragmatics,cognition,cognitionProblemSolving

Grades: 9,10,11,12

Description: This Bundle Includes 3 Separate Boom Decks related to pragmatic language at work. 75+ Slides 1.)Appropriate or Not Appropriate at Work: This Boom deck will review behaviors at work with the student. This Boom Deck includes 25 different workplace scenarios to review with your student. The student will determine whether or not the behaviors are appropriate or inappropriate for the work setting.(25 slides) 2.)Perspective Taking Scenarios at Work: This resource will provide the student with real-life scenarios that could occur at work. The scenarios will involve interactions that could occur with co-workers, customers, bosses, etc. This resource will include 15 different scenarios that could occur at work. Each scenario will allow the student to review how to respond in social situations at work. (25 slides) 3.) Job Interview Skills: What is Appropriate and Inappropriate? This unit reviews 25 separate interview scenarios. The student will read a behavior and decide whether or not the action or question is appropriate or inappropriate during an interview. (25 slides)