French Introductions and Greetings Bundle

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by World Language Cafe

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: nativeFrench,nativeFrenchCanadian,nativeSounds,instructionalFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian,language,nativelanguage

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: Students will learn basic French introductions and greetings: Salut, enchanté/e, bonjour, bon après-midi, bonsoir, bonne nuit, au revoir, à bientôt, ciao, Comment t'appelles-tu?, Je m'appelle . . . First they listen and repeat, Then they listen, choose the photo, and fill in missing letters. Then they look at the photo, listen, and write. Native speaker sound files improve student pronunciation! Level 2 builds on Level 1 vocab and explains the different "you" forms: Ça va?, Comment allez-vous?, bien, mal, très bien, comme çi, comme ça, Et toi?, Et vous?, Comment s'appelle-t-elle/il?, Il s'appelle . . ., Elle s'appelle . . ., Comment vous appelez-vous? If there is another word you would like to see included, email me at: