Free Articulation Game Z Sound Search & Find

deck thumbnail

by Speech Your Mind

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: ela,games,speakingListening,speech,apraxia,articulation,communicationSkills

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Free Articulation For a HUGE Bundle of Late Sounds, check out: Do you have students on your speech caseload working on /z/ ??! Search & Find is an awesome activity to practice articulation of /z/ words in a fun, engaging, and interactive way. Students will search picture scenes to find the picture(s) of the target word. Initial /z/, Medial /z/, and Final /z/ words are included in the deck. Initial /z/: zipper, zucchini, xylophone, & many MORE! Medial /z/: dessert, present, dozen, chimpanzee, & many MORE! Final /z/: seeds, rose, gloves, jeans, buzz, prize & many MORE! Depending on the level of challenge that you are seeking, students may search for 1 up to 5 pictures. Get started by clicking on the magnifying glass. After the student finds the picture(s) in the magnifying glass, drag & drop them to the red box and press Submit. The speech pathologist can then modify the articulation practice for each individual student. Practice at word, phrase, or sentence levels! Free Search & Find Speech Therapy