Writing Decimals to Ten Thousandths Place MULTI-CHOICE

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by The Quizzing Booth

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: math,baseTen,decimals,placeValue

Grades: 4,5,6

Description: Let your students practice reading and writing decimals to ten-thousandths place using this 20-card deck. Students will read the decimal in words and select the correct equivalent in standard form. First 15 cards have no whole number part, last 5 cards are whole number and decimal part combinations. Multiple choice play, field of 4. Cards will appear in the same order each play. Other Writing Decimals decks available in my store: *Writing Decimals - To Tenths and Hundredths Place *Writing Decimals - To Thousandths Place *Writing Decimals - To Ten Thousandths Place (Fill-In)