Descubre1 L4: Los Pasatiempos -Set 3 Los lugares y los deportes Listening Comprehension

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by Profe Majo Languages

Price: 560 points or $5.6 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 9,10,11,12,15

Description: Hello Spanish teachers. This is Set 3 for the Descubre 1 L4 Lesson - Los pasatiempos. It covers the vocabulary words under "Los Deportes", "Los Lugares" and "Adjetivos". I also added words like pueblo, pueblos, ciudad, ciudades and the conjugations for "ser aficionado" and "ganar". This is a Tier 1 Set which means that the prompts are in single words only. Students listen to the prompt and choose either, the correct picture or vocabulary translation. ENJOY!