Colors - Feed the Leprechaun

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by SpeechRUS

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage,holiday,firstDayOfSpring,ela

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This is an interactive, no-prep St. Patrick's day activity to help students build their knowledge of basic concept of COLORS in a fun motivating way by using hungry leprechaun. Students are able to follow follow 1-step directions and identify basic concepts. The activity contains a variety of common objects and food items to help students build vocabulary! This is great for speech therapy, teletherapy, or even in person therapy! The following IEP goals can be targeted during the activity: - Basic concepts - Following 1-step directions with basic concepts - Labeling common objects - Describing (e.g. color, shape, attributes, category, function, etc.) - WH questions (e.g. what color, what shape, what is it, etc.) - Object function (e.g. what do you do with a carrot, shirt, etc.)