Laundry Tasks - Washing, Drying, Ironing - Activities of Daily Living

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by AllDayABA

Price: 225 points or $2.25 USD

Subjects: ot,sel,speech,specialed

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: Laundry Tasks - Washing, Drying, Ironing - Activities of Daily Living In this deck learners will have to complete a series of laundry tasks. Each card contains written instructions as well as audio reading the instructions aloud. Learners will complete the following five tasks in order: 1. Moving laundry from a basket into a washing machine 2. Moving laundry from a washing machine into a dryer 3. Ironing a shirt 4. Ironing pants 5. Putting socks and underwear into a dresser Get yours today and thanks for supporting AllDayABA! <3