Trip to the Zoo

deck thumbnail

by Learning With Teacher Tix

Price: 750 points or $7.5 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Trip to the Zoo This deck targets many skills of children and students. This could also be a fun way to "explore" or "go out" virtually during this summer specially that they aren't allowed to go anywhere due to the COVID-19 situation. This is a fun and great activity for your teletherapy session. This trip follows the flow of waking up in the morning, getting ready, riding a car, buying ticket, reading map, feeding animals, answering facts about animals, buying food and toys then paying for it it, identifying animal sounds, and many more zoo activities. The deck ends with them leaving the zoo and looking for their car, and ready to go home. There are 2-4 activities each per animal. Animals included are birds, fish, dolphin, panda, giraffe, lion, tiger, and monkey. There is also a cafe and souvenir shop where the students get to order and clean up food as well as buy/pay for the toys they want. Skills that could be targeted: WH questions, following directions, finding objects, reading and completing map, visual perceptual skills, attention to details, community mobility, life skills such as ordering food, paying for food, cleaning up after eating, buying toys, dressing up, and many more. All drawings are made by me. Please do not copy for personal or commercial use. Please leave a rating, review, or feedback to help me improve my products. It would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy and Thank you for your purchase!