Writing Decimals to Ten Thousandths Place FILL-IN

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by The Quizzing Booth

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: math,baseTen,decimals,placeValue

Grades: 4,5,6

Description: Let your students practice reading and writing decimals to ten-thousandths place using this 20-card deck. Students will read the decimal in words and type in the correct equivalent in standard form. First 12 cards have no whole number part, last 8 cards are whole number and decimal part combinations. Cards will appear in the same order each play. Other Writing Decimals decks available in my store: *Writing Decimals - To Tenths and Hundredths Place *Writing Decimals - To Thousandths Place *Writing Decimals - To Ten Thousandths Place (Multiple Choice, f=4)