Evaluating Exponents

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by Sheila Cantonwine

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 6,7,8

Description: These 36 task cards are differentiated and cover evaluating exponents. Students are asked to calculate a number raised to a power. Cards 5-12 have a green background and are the easiest. Students are asked to match the base and exponent to their corresponding multiplication problem and vice versa. Answers are multiple choice with 4 answer choices, and students can keep clicking until they get the correct answer. Cards 13-24 have a purple background and are a little more difficult. Students are asked to find the correct exponent to apply to a base given a multiplication problem. In addition, on cards 19-24 students must also find the correct base. The questions are fill in the blank and students must type their answers into the corresponding boxes. Cards 25-36 have an orange background and are the most challenging. Students must calculate the correct answer given a base and its exponent. The first four cards in this section are multiple choice with 4 answer choices, and the last 8 are fill in the blank where students must type their answers. There are also 4 cards with a grey background that have definitions and examples. These cards are aligned to the common core 6.EE.A.1.