Tracing Letters - Fall Theme (Ink Tool)

deck thumbnail

by Wanda Ashby

Price: 100 points or $1 USD

Subjects: fineMotorSkills,specialed,holiday,firstDayOfAutumn

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This is a letter tracing deck using 'Ink' which is the capability of 'drawing' on your computer or iPad. The student uses their mouse, touchpad, stylus or touchscreen. On each card, a letter is presented and the student selects the 'DRAW' tool on the screen to trace the letter. When the student has finished tracing, the student selects 'CLOSE DRAW' and then 'SUBMIT'. The student has the option of 'RESET DRAW' to start over and also may select the pencil size as well as color! This is great for letter formation practice and review. It gives the student another fun option to practice letters. It can also be used as an exit ticket or as an individual or group activity. When used as an Exit Ticket, the teacher may select 'reset draw' to give each student a fresh screen. Use in-class, fine motor OT or other settings. Have fun!