Price: 500 points or $5 USD
Subjects: art,visualArts,graphicArts,holiday,independenceDay
Grades: 1,2,3,4,5
Description: 4TH OF JULY | FOURTH OF JULY DIRECTED DRAWINGS | HOW TO DRAW 4TH OF JULY 4th of July Directed Drawing Includes: ⭐️10 fun fourth of July independent directed drawings ⭐️step by step directions for 4th of July pictures ⭐️creativity challenge pages after each 4th of July directed drawing ⭐️students can flow back and forth between fourth of July directed drawings LOOKING FOR MORE DIRECTED DRAWINGS SETS? VISIT MY STORE ***Please note, the preview is the first 4 slides, so therefore no matter which drawing you click on, you will see the 4th slide drawing directions.