Price: 275 points or $2.75 USD
Subjects: ot,speech,specialed
Grades: 14,13,1,2,3
Description: This is a multiplayer game that targets the understanding and/or use of actions, associations, functions, and categories. Students of ALL ages love this game yet it is SIMPLE enough to use with your early learners. Select the desired activity page. Grab a die or a spinner. At the time of publication, digital dice and spinners were available at the following web address Player 1 rolls a die or spins a spinner. Player 1 looks for the the column with the corresponding number, picks a picture, and states the targeted answer. Select the dog icon in the upper right hand corner of the activity page to advance to the game page. Player 1 drags and drops the number of bones on the die or spinner to their dog and their turn ends. Hit the ball to return to your activity page or the dog house to return to the table of contents. Repeat with all additional players. Play continues until all the bones are gone. Count each players bones as you drag and drop them off the left or right side of the page. Player with the most bones wins! As always, happy learning! Targets: Actions-formulate a sentence using the action picture. Associations–state an association of the item. Category-state the category of the item. Function-state the function of the item.