Negotiation: When and How to Use It

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by Allison DePalma, MA, BCBA

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: selfAwareness,relationshipSkills,sel,communicationSkills,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills,lifeSkills,specialed

Grades: 0

Description: When we are faced with an overwhelming task or disagreement, it is likely to engage in behaviors that communicate we are not pleased. These behaviors can look like "shutting down", or protesting, "no!". Unfortunately, when behaviors like this occur, it is difficult for the receiving individual to help you with how to proceed. One skill that can assist with this is negotiation. Negotiation allows for us to voice our opinions, while also working with the other individual(s) to come to a shared agreement. When we negotiate successfully, all parties are likely to feel validated, as well as more satisfied with the outcome of the issue at hand. The following deck: (a) Discusses what negotiation is and how to use it (b) Provides 3 examples of people negotiating, as well as 3 multiple-choice questions discussing what went right or wrong (c) Has the learner assess their own daily disagreements / triggers (d) Provides 4 open-ended questions to the learner asking how they currently handle disagreements, and how they could use appropriate negotiation to modify their approach