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by Pizzazz Learning

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 3

Description: Welcome to Pizzazz Learning. Multiplication Fun is a freebie for you to give you an example of the types of Boom Cards available in my store. I hope your students enjoy the 20 Boom Cards that provide a review of multiplying 1-digit x 1-digit numbers. Another version of this set is available in Pizzazz Learning with 30 more review Boom Cards. If your students need more multiplication practice with 1-digit x 1-digit numbers, check Pizzazz Learning for other math Boom Cards such as Multiplication Monsters and Multiplication Review. Pizzazz Learning also has lots of creative, challenging, and FUN resources for language arts designed to save you TIME with no prep, no duplicating, no cutting, and no laminating. Thank you for visiting my store! Boom Learning℠ and Boom Cards™ are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.