Thanksgiving Basic Concepts & Following Directions Speech Therapy Language Activities

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: speech,holiday,thanksgivingUS,receptiveLanguage

Grades: 1,2,3,4

Description: Here's an ORGANIZED way to target following directions & basic concepts in speech therapy this Thanksgiving! This Boom Cards™ deck is packed with student INTERACTION, Thanksgiving VOCABULARY, and LANGUAGE concepts and understanding. This activity gives you a structured means to... ✔ PROBE students' understanding of concepts and ability to follow directions. ✔ PRACTICE a variety of basic concepts (throughout 4 different activities), both IN SESSIONS or as HOMEWORK. ✔ Easily obtain DATA for PROGRESS MONITORING of speech therapy goals. ✔ Integrate meaningful THANKSGIVING VOCABULARY into your sessions. With separate activities for each TYPE of concept, you can really isolate what your students need to work on. The deck includes 10 practice cards for each of the following types of basic concepts: ✅Location concepts such as in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to ✅Quantity concepts such as except, all, none, only, etc. ✅Sequence concepts such as before, after ✅Negation concepts such as isn't, doesn't, aren't, don't This deck is the perfect addition to your other Thanksgiving-themed materials, as each of the 4 activities utilizes relevant Thanksgiving food vocabulary. Features on each card help the activity function smoothly, support a variety of needs and abilities, and engage students: ✅ An option to HEAR each direction ✅ The ability to COVER THE TEXT ✅ A clickable MENU CARD & NAVIGATION BUTTONS ✅ DRAG & DROP activities to keep students engaged